TEMA: VERBO TO BE

(ser/estar) es uno de los verbos que más se usa en inglés y es un verbo irregular, así que es importante saber bien cómo se conjuga y cuándo se usa.
To be como verbo auxiliar.
Iam going
Youare going
He/She/Itis going
Weare going
Theyare going
                                           EJERCICIOS EN INGLÉS CON EL VERBO TO BE
Aquí encontrarás unos ejercicios en inglés con el verbo to be. Cuando uses el verbo to be en inglés, recuerda que la forma del verbo es siempre igual para singular y plural. También recuerda que la conjugación para he/she/it es la misma.

1.     Llena el blanco con la conjugación correcta del verbo to be en inglés, usando el presente o pretérito.
Ejemplo: I ___ excited to see my friend. -> I am excited to see my friend.
  1. Dinner ___ on the table.
  2. It ___ seven in the morning.
  3. I ___ very tired today.
  4. My mother ___ calling me yesterday.
  5. Where ___ you from?
  6. When we ____ in Spain two weeks ago, we ate tapas.
  7. José ___ happy to see his wife when she arrived last week.
  8. We ___ in the office today.
  9. They ___ happy to see you.
  10. Parents ___ proud of their children.
  11. I ___ hoping that you would remember my birthday.
  12. Ana ___ upset that Carlos never came back to see her.
  13. The children ___ having fun playing in the backyard.
  14. After the party last night, they ___ very tired.
  15. We ___ all great friends!
2.        Escoge la mejor contestación con la conjugación correcta del verbo to be en inglés.

  1. Anne ____ happy to be home. [is/are]
  2. We ____ excited to see the play tonight. [was/are]
  3. Yesterday ___ my birthday. [is/was]
  4. How old ___ you? [am/are]
  5. ___ it raining outside? [Am/Is]
  6. When ___ the wedding going to be? [was/is]
  7. ___ you going to work out tonight? [Are/Am]
  8. Who ___ the actor from that movie? [is/are]
  9. How come we ___ not invited to last night’s dinner? [were/was]
  10. They ___ leaving for the movies right now. [were/are]
3.        Llena el blanco con la conjugación correcta del verbo to be en inglés usando el modo futuro.
  1. I ______ going to sleep in one hour.
  2. She ______ heading to NYU for college.
  3. They ______ traveling to the Grand Canyon.
  4. He ______ working over the summer.
  5. You ______ happy at your new job.
  6. We ______ eating chicken for dinner.
4.     Escribir las siguientes oraciones en forma negativa. 

1. I am at the university
2. You are the best football player
3. He is my lawyer
4. My sister is an English teacher
5. The dog is very small
6. This car is new
7. Peter, Tom and Charles are good dancers
8. You are in the cinema
9. They are very good friends

5.     Escribir las siguientes oraciones en forma interrogativa.

1. This is a book
2. This is a pencil
3. This is a pen
4. This is a notebook
5. This is a chair

6. This is a window
7. This is a door
8. This is a room
9. This is a table
10. This is a telephone

6.     Llenar los espacios en las siguientes oraciones con el verbo To be que sea el indicado.

1. I……….a teacher
2. John……….a teacher
3. William……….a student
4.This……….a book
5.This……….not a pencil
6. John and Mary……….students
7. Two and three……….five
8. We……….students
9. John……….a man
10. Mary……….a woman
11. Three and two……….five

12. I……….busy
13. John……….busy
14. Mary……….busy
15. Mr. and Mrs. Perez………..busy

7.      Elegir uno de los dos verbos que se encuentran en el paréntesis para formar la oración correcta.

1. I (am,is) a teacher
2. They(are,is) busy
3. This (is,are) a book
4.  John and Mary (is,are) good students
5. William (is,are) a student
6. Five and three (am,are)eight
7. We (is,are) students
8. Mary (is,are) a woman
9. John (is,are) not a teacher
10. (Are, is) this a book?
11. They (am,are) not busy
12. I (is, am) busy


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